Survival Basics

True self-reliance means home brewing, making your own beer! As more people try to live a self sufficient lifestyle, they’re turning to producing their food at home as their ancestors did before them.  Just about every culture has a tradition of home brewing, or preserving food or purifying water through fermentation. These days, home brew
Self reliance skills are a must have when living off the grid Self-reliance is somewhat of a three-legged table. People may talk about each of the three legs separately, but they all rely on one another. What are these three legs I’m talking about? Stockpiled supplies Equipment Knowledge While stockpiling supplies and securing equipment doesn’t
Simple prudence would indicate the need to teach the necessary children survival skills to make it on their own. As anyone who has been involved in survival knows, it can be an all-encompassing activity. It is made even worse when you have to ensure the survival of others. Unfortunately, most prepping families only have one